Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cycling the Skyline Drive

This entry is, in reality, after the fact. One thing I did not expect is that ANY services, including libraries, are far off the parkway and a steep descent at that. If you go down to get to the library, you have to climb back up to get to the parkway. Consequently, I didn't get to the library to post. Andy and I started the trip at Front Royal, Virginia on Monday, May 25th. What we didn't realize was that it would begin with a 22 mile climb. Oh, I guess there was about a mile that was either flat or slightly down, but almost all of it was climbing. We covered 51 miles but it took us 7 and a half hours! It began to rain about an hour and a half from the campsite. We set up our tents in the rain and headed for the showers. The best 2 dollar, ten minute shower I've ever had. We ate at a lodge at the campground and retired for the night. It rained almost all night and all the next day.

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